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Carbon Footprint: Exploring Stories Behind a Number

You could think of an investment portfolio’s carbon footprint as the grade average in a school class. While it may provide a general idea of how things are going, taking a closer look provides details on standout pupils or others that show potential in specific areas.
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Announcing an exciting, new partnership for PFC and Addenda Capital

Addenda Capital and Philanthropic Foundations Canada are very pleased to announce an exciting two-year partnership that will leverage both organizations’ know-how and reputations in improving and building knowledge, networks, and learning.
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Stewards of a Sustainable Future: Our Role in the Climate Transition

In Co-operators' 2023 Integrated Annual Report, Andrea Moffat, Senior Director of Investment Stewardship, discusses how we can utilize our role as an investor to influence the companies we invest in and advance the goal of strengthening alignment with the direction of a sustainable, low-carbon economy.
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Addenda Capital releases 2023 Sustainable Investing Report

We are more committed than ever to integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into our decision-making and developing innovative solutions, along with active stewardship and engagement on pressing issues.
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How cool is your portfolio?

Following a historic year in 2023 where temperatures reached alarming levels while flash floods and wildfires continued to wreak havoc worldwide, the question now is whether we are in for a repeat in 2024.
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The Ripple Effect: Recent Trends in Impact Investing

Just as a pebble thrown into the water creates concentric ripples, so too do investors that seek to create positive outcomes with their investments. Imagine for a moment that these ripples could be easily measured before they even occur. That’s what impact investing is all about.
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Clear Rules to Speed Up the Climate Transition

Given the challenges that need to be overcome if Canada is to achieve net zero by 2050, the financial industry is growing impatient with the absence of a framework that would help direct capital towards projects advancing transition efforts.
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Valuing Water - An Increasing Investor Imperative

While societies and economies depend on access to freshwater systems to thrive, an estimated one quarter of the global population faces extremely high water stress.
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Water featured as a new theme in the Impact Fixed Income Fund

Addenda Capital is excited to introduce “Water” as a new investment theme within its Impact Fixed Income Pooled Fund, with fresh water as its inaugural focus area.
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Our Sustainable Investing Policy

This Sustainable Investing Policy highlights the principles that underscore Addenda Capital’s commitment to being a Canadian leader in sustainable investing and provides a framework for implementation.
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