In-house economic analysis
Addenda Capital’s economic analysis is done in-house by its team of economists. In line with the firm’s strong bias towards independent thinking, the economics team provides macroeconomic analysis of market fundamentals. Instead of using third party consensus data, we work with source data to build our own detailed, bias free forecasts. But we also take the time to look beyond the typical forecast horizon, an uncommon practice among investment firms.
While our economists are deeply involved in financial economics, they also support a wider, balanced perspective. This explains why they also keep abreast of academic research, seek input from the firm’s equity analysts and portfolio managers and identify likely longer term trends. In addition, they write in-depth articles that bring a fresh outlook on issues, encouraging debate in the investment management industry.
At Addenda, our independence is not only reflected in our ownership structure, but also in our investment processes, with in-house economic analysis that underpins many of the firm’s asset management strategies.