Working to change the investment landscape in order to allocate capital more efficiently

Addenda Capital plays an active role in promoting sustainable financial markets with the ultimate goal of further optimizing long-term investment returns for our clients. We support the integrity and sustainability of financial markets through collaborative investor initiatives and public policy, regulatory and standards submissions.

Consult our article on how Sustainable Investing will Emerge Stronger and Better from greenwashing turmoil

Submissions and Statements

February 5, 2025 Investors set target for Canadian corporate reconciliation plans

Addenda supports the initiative encouraging 25 per cent of the companies on the Toronto Stock Exchange to voluntarily adopt plans for Indigenous reconciliation. This initiative is in line with the calls to action prescribed in the report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, previously chaired by the late Murray Sinclair. For more detail: Investors set target for Canadian corporate reconciliation plans

November 26, 2024 Submission to the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) consultation on Climate-related and Other Uncertainties in the Financial Statements – Proposed Illustrative Examples

Addenda submitted comments expressing support for the IASB’s effort to educate market participants through releasing illustrative examples to clarify how existing IFRS requirements apply to climate-related disclosures in financial statements. Continuing education on this topic will support informed investment decisions and effective capital allocation.

Addenda’s comments are publicly posted on the IASB website at this link.

June 7, 2024 Submission on Canadian Sustainability Standards Board (CSSB)  Consultation on Canadian Sustainability Disclosure Standards

Addenda’s comments to the CSSB encourage alignment with the global International Sustainability Standards Board in terms of timing and requirements, as much as possible, to ensure that Canadian companies maintain global competitiveness. Addenda responded to all three documents included in the consultation process. 

  • CSSB Exposure Draft – Proposed Canadian Sustainability Disclosure Standard (CSDS 1), General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information
  • CSSB Exposure Draft – Proposed Canadian Sustainability Disclosure Standard (CSDS 2), Climate-related Disclosures
  • CSSB Consultation Paper – Proposed Criteria for Modification Framework
March 31, 2024 Addenda Capital Impact Fixed Income Strategy: CFA ESG Disclosure Statement

The purpose of this ESG Disclosure Statement is to explain how environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues are considered within an investment product’s objectives, investment process, and/or stewardship activities.

February 15, 2024 Submission on Proposed Regulations Respecting Reduction in the Release of Methane and Certain Volatile Organic Compounds

Addenda submitted comments in collaboration with nine other investors commending the government’s efforts to adopt cost-effective regulations to achieve at least a 75% reduction in oil and gas methane emissions by 2030 from a 2012 baseline, and encouraging the swift actions to adopt comprehensive final standards.

Collaborative Investor Initiatives

Joining forces with other like-minded investors and stakeholders can significantly enhance our effectiveness in the promotion of sustainable financial markets. We have joined the investor initiatives below, as they allow us to:

  • Leverage our internal resources
  • Lend our credibility and gravitas to the good work of others
  • Share tools and pool resources
  • Gain access to enhanced sustainability related data and insight


Initiative Benefits



  • Regular communications on US and global climate change and sustainability issues relevant to investors.
  • Access to stakeholder engagement meetings with large publicly traded companies. Opportunities to provide input to the working groups that advance members’ priorities like enhanced sustainability disclosure and improved public policy.
  • Regular communications on US and global climate change and sustainability issues relevant to investors.
  • Access to stakeholder engagement meetings with large publicly traded companies. Opportunities to provide input to the working groups that advance members’ priorities like enhanced sustainability disclosure and improved public policy.
Canadian Bond Investors' Association / Association canadienne des investisseurs obligataires
  • Market information and expertise for fixed income investors.
  • A forum for discussion of key issues and ideas relevant to the Canadian fixed income market.
  • Access to educational opportunities on important fixed income issues.
  • Opportunities to provide input on position statements regarding developments in the Canadian fixed income market.
CDP Driving Sustainable Economies
  • Access to all corporate responses to CDP that detail information on the risks and opportunities that companies face and management discussion and analysis on strategies to address climate change, water-related issues, deforestation related issues and emissions-reduction performance.
  • Access to implementation tools and capacity building offered by the PRI Secretariat including listed equities and fixed income work streams.
  • Annual benchmarking of implementation of sustainable investing activities.
  • Access to webinars and seminars on important ESG issues provided by investment specialists.
  • Promotes the practice of sustainable investing in Canada.
  • Opportunities to interact with like-minded investors regarding important sustainable impact investing issues.
  • Support for initiatives like the Toronto Responsible Investing Working Group that promote and enhance sustainable investing practices in Canada.
  • Signatories pledge to measure and disclose the carbon footprint of the investments they make
  • Played a crucial role in underpinning importance of carbon disclosure. Was followed by the launch of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD).
  • Promote availability of information necessary to evaluate the environmental impact of Green Bond investments.
  • Contribute to the integrity of markets.
  • Raises awareness of the importance of environmental impacts among financial market participants, which aims to attract more capital to support sustainable development.
  • Aligns capital with objective of reaching net zero emissions by 2050 or sooner, in line with efforts to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
  • Sets an interim target for the proportion of assets to be managed in line with the attainment of net zero. Interim target is reviewed at least every five years.
  • Provides asset owners with information and analytics on net zero investing, as well as TCFD disclosures.
Climate Engagement Canada
  • Drives dialogue between the financial community and corporate issuers to promote a just transition to a net zero economy
  • Inspired by Canada’s Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance, which in 2019 recommended the creation of a national investor-led engagement program similar to Climate Action 100+

Public Policy, Regulatory and Standards Submissions

We also try to improve the methods, structures and regulations that hinder the performance of the entities we invest in. As a result, we actively participate in the development of policies, regulations and standards that support sustainable financial markets and help our clients meet their objectives. Our submissions ultimately help the companies we invest in to strengthen their financial performance over the long term and remain competitive.

Consult our most recent submissions to regulators