Top Reasons for Choosing Addenda Capital to Manage your Balanced Portfolios
We believe that:
An optimal risk adjusted and actively managed asset allocation strategy will provide strong returns with efficient diversification.
Incremental value is added through measured adjustments to asset allocation, driven from changing outlooks for asset class returns and valuations.
Value can be added by actively managing the underlying asset classes.
Our investment approach to balanced portfolios is based on a five-step process:
Extensive top-down analysis of global macroeconomic variables and capital markets to identify general investment themes and changes in market drivers.
Capital market assessments based on a 12 to 18-month horizon, reflect return and risk expectations as well as relative valuations.
Quantitative modeling drives an initial optimal risk adjusted asset allocation solution, with final target mix resulting from a qualitative evaluation of themes and risks.
Tactical asset allocation adjustments seek to exploit shifting dynamics in the market environment and/or valuations.
Portfolio construction covers an array of investment strategies and client solutions can be tailored to many different risk and policy requirements. Risk is monitored on a daily basis and rebalanced as needed through a disciplined process.